Instead of going out for yet another Taco Tuesday that will leave you bloated and overly full; enjoy making these low carb and gluten free tacos! I either use butter lettuce or Siete gluten free tortillas. Siete tortillas are made with Cassava which is low glycemic and are also a resistant starch. Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that is low glycemic, anti-inflammatory and lowers blood glucose levels because it feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Enjoy!

2 chicken breasts or 1 head of cauliflower In a pan over medium heat, melt coconut oil. Add the rest of the ingredients to the pan EXCEPT for the butter lettuce or tortilla, grated cheese and cilantro. Stir and sauté for a minute or two then cover and turn down the heat slightly to medium low and let the veggies sweat and meat thoroughly cook, about 10 minutes. While that’s cooking plate the butter lettuce by layering 2 large pieces of butter lettuce on top of each other for each cup. When meat and veggies are completely cooked, scoop into the lettuce cups and sprinkle cilantro and cheese on top.
1 red bell pepper
3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
2 tbsps paprika
2 tsps Black ground pepper
1 tbsp Creole Seasoning
2 tbsp Coconut oil
2-3 tbsp of Louisiana hot sauce, Sriracha or your favorite hot sauce
1 head of butter lettuce OR your favorite low carb and/or gluten free tortilla
Chopped cilantro as garnish
Grated cheese as garnish
*Optional: Cayenne to taste if you like a little kickInstructions